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Dr Alex W Robertson

I'm a materials scientist working to understand the nanoscale behaviour of materials, and how this can be related to their performance, degradation, and failure. 

Yi is now working as a DPhil student under the supervision of Dr. Alex Robertson and Prof. Peter Bruce. Her research project focuses on understanding the degradation mechanisms of Li metal anode via in-situ electron microscopy.

Yi Yuan - DPhil Student

Yi Yuan.jpeg

Robert Wells - PhD Student


Rob is a PhD student who joined the group in October 2022. His research focuses on the study of 2D materials. In particular, the use of in-operando TEM to study memristor devices made from monolayers of  Molybdenum Disulphide. 

Zixuan Li - DPhil Student


Zixuan Li joined Dr. Alex Robertson’s group in October 2021 as a Dphil student under the co-supervision of Prof. Peter Bruce. Her research project focuses on exploring the mechanisms inhibiting reversible cycling of multivalent electrolytes by in-situ electron microscopy.

Group alumni

Dr Sapna Sinha - Post Doctoral Researcher

Dr Shengda D Pu - PhD student

Dr Chen Gong - PhD student



Department of Physics

University of Warwick

Coventry CV4 7AL

+44 (0)24 765 23965

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